Vážení hosté, rádi bychom Vám představili naše

Valentýnské degustační menu
* Bretaňské ústřice s šalotkovým tataráčkem a limetkou
* Krevetový bisque s kaviárem létající ryby
* Prosecco s mandarinkovým sorbetem
* Filet mignon z hovězí svíčkové s lanýžovým pyré a koňakovým demi glace
* Čokoládové Brownies s ořechy a višňovým chilli coulis
Cena 690,-/osoba

Rezervace prosím na telefonním čísle 327 316 327.
Těšíme se na Vaši návštěvu!


The restaurant prides itself on a mixture of International, regional and traditional Czech cuisine with innovative twist. The food, always fresh and tasteful, is specially prepared with respect to healthy lifestyle.

We also have a special menu for children and 3 course daily menu. The restaurant has a separate “non-smoking area”, barrier free access and a free wireless internet access and would like to invite you for breakfast, lunch or diner in a friendly and homelike atmosphere. You can also spoil yourself by selection of Wine, great coffee or soft drinks and cocktails.

Guests can also benefit from separate lounge which is ideal for meetings, seminars, conferences, weddings and other business or private events.

Our summer terrace with a grill is made available throughout summer and offers spectacular view of the Saint’s Barbora Cathedral


[googlepdf url=”https://penzionbarbora.cz/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Menu-Barbora-2022-eng-1.pdf” width=”100%” height=”800″]